Hi Tigran,
What you describe is standard behaviour.
Areas 02 and 32 are so called "parallel areas". A parallel area has the currency type assigned, that is also defined in your currency settings at company code level (in your case these are currency types 30 and 60). Also a parallel area always belongs to a leading area which is handled in company code currency (10). In your case, parallel areas 02 and 32 are handling the parallel currencies (30, 60) for their leading area 01 (10).
For the understanding of parallel areas, maybe the following idea might help:
When you look at a FI document, each line item will show you values for all your local currencies, as it contains several fields to store amounts in different currencies. In FI-AA this is different, because each depreciation area can handle values only in a single currency. So to store an amount in 3 different currencies, you will need 3 depreciation areas. But even though these are separate areas, you can think of them as a single valuation. The leading area and their parallel areas, they all store the same value, just in different currencies. So your areas 01, 02 and 32 are linked together. That way, the parallel currency information, that you find in FI in a single item, can be stored in FI-AA.
A parallel area like 02 and 32 will receive historical values for the parallel currency, as they are stored in the corresponding FI postings.
From what I can read in your post, your area 10 is different. It does not have a currency type assigned. It is also not a parallel area.
We call such an area a "foreign currency area". It is managed in a different currency than the company code currency, but it is not assigned to a leading area and also does not have a currency type set. For a foreign currency area, amounts are always calculated based on current exchange rates. They will not receive historical values.
You can have a look at the following note for further information in currencies in FI-AA:
1065932 - Currencies in Asset Accounting
Here is an explanation why your option 1) and 2) do not work: Area 02 cannot be used for value transfer, because itself is considered to be part of the valuation shown in area 01. You can also not remove the "identical" flag, because this would break the link between area 01 and 02 and area 02 would no longer be considered a parallel area (which is not what you want).
If you want area 10 to manage historical values, you will have to go for option 3) which means to make it a parallel area like 02 and 32.
Therefore, you will first need another area managed in company code currency 10, that is posting to Z2. Then you can make area 10 a parallel area to this new depreciation area and it will be possible to assign currency type 60 to it.
Best regards, Michael