Hello experts,
Once again I am enlisting your help.
I am making progress through the OpenUI5 Tutorials but have an issue with connectivity to a remote OData service.
I have applied the code as described in OpenUI5 SDK - Demo Kit but have not been able to successfully retrieve the remote data.
I am using the HCP Trial Subscription.
My component.js file looks exactly the same as described in tutorial
The tutorial does outline a note which states the following:
We assume that a proxy is accessible via/proxy/from your Web server’s root context. If this is not the case, then you need to adjust the corresponding paths in this tutorial according to your own requirements.
SAP Web IDE users can configure an HTTP destination instead of a proxy to access a remote service, for this additional configuration steps are required. See section Creating a Cloud Connectivity Configuration File in the SAP Web IDE documentation athttps://help.hana.ondemand.com/webide/frameset.htm for further details.
Per direction I added the following route to the neo-app.json file:
Subsequently I updated the manifest.json file to contain the following:
I tried various combination but all resulted in the 'No Data" result page.
Can anyone help me resolve this?
Thanks in advance for you help!