Hello Mustafa,
This is some example data that I am spoofing and filtering. I am only showing one parent child relationship to make it easier to read. The current data selection is
{"(MEASURE_DIMENSIONS)":["Times Played","Times Bought"], "Album": "Album Name"}
If I wanted to get a chart that included all the album names that gave both measures I would exclude the "Album" selection in the Data Selection property and then it works fine.
If I want to include just the Title 1 of all album names I would need to include "Title":"Title 1" in the Data selection.
There are two charts that I want to create:
X- axis - album
Y - axis - measures
X- axis - titles (can be dynamic, meaning an album can have any number of titles)
Y- axis - measures
From the data selection and initial view manipulation I can see no way to do this because the Title is dynamic and I would potentially need to use the DS_6.removeDimension("Album") function to drill onto the Title which would remove Album from the first chart.