Problem is that if you tell them to use the search then they are often more offended by that than a discrete rejected question with an offline reason.
"Link farmers" in the security forum are luckily few and far between because I delete their user IDs once they reach 50 points. Hasn't been necessary in a long time.
A bigger but luckily seldom problem compared to the newbies who are not aware of training and expect others to do their work for them, are those who are above training and also expect others to do their work for them. Throw in an oversized ego, arrogant attitude towards SAP and incompetence to actually test the detailed answers being given... then you also land up having to deal with nonsense such as this:
Why not activate S_RFCACL in SAP_ALL? (no, really!)
Perhaps rejecting a post 17 years ago would have helped?