Hi All,
II am facing an issue in DBclone step. It asked for Repeat phase, I have continued it but I am not sure whether it will get success or not. Can anyone please tell me how to resolve this issue.
Please find the logs of DBCLONE.LOG
2EETQ231 RFC Login failed
3EETQ399 Checking job #0 'RSUPG_CLONE_TABLES' failed with RFC login to system BID ashost WCBIDDEV nr 00 gwhost WCBIDDEV gwservice sapgw00 failed with code 8 key RFC_TIMEOUT: Timeout while opening a RFC connection.
2 ETQ399 2016/01/19 16:43:42: sleeping 30 seconds
1 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="BID", AsHost="WCBIDDEV" Nr="00", GwHost="WCBIDDEV", GwService="sapgw00"
2EETQ231 RFC Login failed
3EETQ399 Checking job #0 'RSUPG_CLONE_TABLES' failed with RFC login to system BID ashost WCBIDDEV nr 00 gwhost WCBIDDEV gwservice sapgw00 failed with code 8 key RFC_TIMEOUT: Timeout while opening a RFC connection.
2 ETQ399 2016/01/19 16:47:18: sleeping 30 seconds
1 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="BID", AsHost="WCBIDDEV" Nr="00", GwHost="WCBIDDEV", GwService="sapgw00"
2EETQ231 RFC Login failed
3EETQ399 Checking job #0 'RSUPG_CLONE_TABLES' failed with RFC login to system BID ashost WCBIDDEV nr 00 gwhost WCBIDDEV gwservice sapgw00 failed with code 8 key RFC_TIMEOUT: Timeout while opening a RFC connection.
2 ETQ399 2016/01/19 16:50:56: sleeping 30 seconds
1 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="BID", AsHost="WCBIDDEV" Nr="00", GwHost="WCBIDDEV", GwService="sapgw00"
2EETQ231 RFC Login failed
3EETQ399 Checking job #0 'RSUPG_CLONE_TABLES' failed with RFC login to system BID ashost WCBIDDEV nr 00 gwhost WCBIDDEV gwservice sapgw00 failed with code 8 key RFC_TIMEOUT: Timeout while opening a RFC connection.
1EETQ399 Last error code set is: Batch jobs (DBCLONE1) may still be running: started 3, finished/aborted/running 0/0/3, check SM37 and SM21 for details
1EETQ204 Upgrade phase "DBCLONE" aborted with severe errors ("20160119182751")
his trouble ticket was created by SAPup on 20160119182752
SAPup broke during phase SUBMOD_SHDDBCLONE/DBCLONE in module MAIN_SHDCRE / Import and Modification Transfer
Error Message: Batch jobs (DBCLONE1) may still be running: started 3, finished/aborted/running 0/0/3, check SM37 and SM21 for details
Summary of SAPup:
SAPehpi Release: lmt_005
SAPehpi Version: SAPup release lmt_005 version 54.000
Start Release: 700
Target Release: 700
Summary of host system details:
Start Path: E:\usr\sap\BID\DVEBMGS00\exe
Kernel Path: E:\usr\sap\BID\DVEBMGS00\exe
Summary of operating system details:
OS Type: Windows NT X86_64
OS Version: 6.1
Summary of database details:
Database Type: mss
Database Version: 11.00.6020.00
Summary of RFC details: