I hope it's the best place to get a solution because I'm becoming crazy !
My environment is :
# Client
Windows Server 2008R2 SP1
MS Office 2010 32-bit
Live Office 4.1 SP7
# Server
Windows Server 2008R2 SP1
Tomcat 7.0.59 + JRE 8_66
BO BI 4.1 SP7
I've upgraded to BO BI 4.1 SP7 and when I try to login from "Live Office", I've got "LO 02049" error for WinAD and Enterprise authentication modes.
In CMC, I have:
RESTful URL: http://servername:6405/biprws => in browser: no answer !?!
Web service URL: http://servername:8080/dswsbobje => in a browser, gives me Axis2 welcome page
WACS is ON, with RESTful in its parameters, and restarted many times
IT seems to be a problem with RESTful service: http://servername:6405/biprws/logon/long => in Chrome browser: Unreachable page - ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
No firewall problem :
6405 destination port tested from client : listening
and I reproduce the ERR_CONNECTION_RESET even on BI 4.1+Tomcat server.
In Live Office log, I find:
"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la demande du jeton du service REST"
= An error occured during the request of the token of the REST service
Very helpful message ! What kind of error ???
Any idea to solve this problem ?
I read many many posts without success.