Hi Ajit / Jurgen
Thanks for your reply....
I have made following config :
Please let me know if I missing something.
1. Logistics Execution -> Extended Warehouse Management Integration -> Billing Settings -> Determine Invoice Before Goods Issue (IBGI) Indicator
Here I maintained IBGI relevancy as "D- Allowed but not Mandatory" for my sales document type & Sales org
2. Logistics Execution -> Transportation ->Basic Transportation Functions -> Output Control -> Define Print Profiles; Here defined a print profile ensuring that the naming convension is same as that of the profile in EWM. Also assinged application V3 to this print profile.
3. Logistics Execution -> Extended Warehouse Management Integration -> Billing Settings -> Assign Output Types and Printer to Print Profiles
Here assigned the output type with print profile defined in step-2 above
1. Extended Warehouse Management -> Interfaces -> ERP Integration -> General Settings -> Set Control Parameters for ERP Version Control
here selected the option Invoice before goods issue possible.
2. Extended Warehouse Management -> Goods Issue Process -> Outbound Delivery -> Manual Settings -> Define Document Types for Outbound Delivery Process; Here in required document type of doc.cat FDO choosen option " A Billing Document Immediately"
3. Extended Warehouse Management -> Goods Issue Process -> Outbound Delivery ->Print -> Define Print Profiles for Delivery Processing
Here created a print profile whose naming convesion is same as that of the one created in ECC-step-2. Also in the print profile data defined setting for action "TRIG_INVOICE"
4. Extended Warehouse Management -> Goods Issue Process -> Outbound Delivery ->Print -> Define Print Profile Determination for Goods Issue Process
Here defined the above print profile for our Whse
I am getting the same error, please help me to understand why this error is coming.
Error - Action is only allowed for outbound deliveries; convert
Rajeev Jindal